"Eclipse". Проклятый отель


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Поскольку количество представителей Тёмной стороны начинает зашкаливать и явно превалировать над количеством простых смертных, то приём Тёмных сил временно ограничен.
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Arcturus - Ad Astra



Агата Кристи "Чёрные волки"



Отредактировано Шэкс (2011-06-07 14:33:41)



E Nomine - Das Rad Des Schicksals



Jesper Kyd - OST Assassin's Creed II



СерьГа "Я вижу солнце"



The Rasmus feat. Anette Olzon - October & April


Что-то меня на лирику потянуло...



Свернутый текст

|Мечталось-то.. мечталось

Свернутый текст

|Но суровая правда



Coldplay - Trouble




"Пока не спущен курок", Машина Времени



возвращался, глядя в ночное окно на ливень и напевал про себя: "Домой"
Catharsis  - Семь Дорог



Борис Апрель - Кто я

Я валялся, когда первый раз услышал эту "душещипательную" историю)))) А я еще она, сволочь, привязчивая!



J'accuse mon père - Mozart l'opera rock


Свернутый текст

Mes erreurs, mes douleurs, mes pudeurs, mes regrets,
Mais pourquoi faire?
Tu t'en moques, tu révoques tout en bloc,
Tu balaie tout d'un revers.
Ma mémoire, mon histoire sans égard,
Mon passé que tu enterres.

Demain tu diras pourquoi n'ai-je, pas vu les pièges,
Emportés dans l'odieux manège?

Des rancœurs, des frayeurs, des malheurs
Au cœur de l'amour amer.
Des nuits noires, des déboires à la gloire
Des plaisirs éphémères.
J'ai beau prêcher dans le désert
Comment me taire?

Tourne la terre comme les hommes
À refaire encore les erreurs de nos pères
(De nos pères)
On mord toujours la même pomme
Le serpent danse alors que l'on s'enferme
Dans les erreurs d'hier

Pour grandir, t'accomplir et sortir de la ronde séculaire
Dans mon ombre, les décombres, des jours sombres
Tu trouveras la lumière
Ce sont les travers qui t'éclairent
Comment me taire?

Tourne la terre comme les hommes
À refaire encore les erreurs de nos pères
(De nos pères)
On mord toujours la même pomme
Le serpent danse alors que l'on s'enferme
Dans les erreurs d'hier
(Dans les erreurs d'hier)

(J'accuse mon père)

Tourne la terre comme les hommes
Nous sommes la somme des erreurs de nos pères
(De nos pères)
On mord toujours la même pomme
Et le serpent danse alors que l'on s'enferme

Tourne la terre autour des hommes
Il faut défaire ce que nous sommes
En embrassant nos pères.


Отредактировано Вей Линг (2011-06-15 17:46:40)



Заряжает энергией))

Отредактировано Шэкс (2011-06-15 20:06:11)



Александр Маракулин - Ты гибель моя

Отредактировано Шэкс (2011-06-17 01:03:14)



Хочу новую куклу, конфету и красные туфли... )



моя новая страсть) Dark Elektro
Punto Omega -  El destierro



Punto Omega - Falsos sueсos





Oh, I love this house, I love this house
Gives me the greatest peace I've ever known

Отредактировано Фердинанд (2011-06-20 17:02:00)



Skillet - Comatose



Стасу посвящается))

Свернутый текст

The secret side of me
I never let you see.
I keep it caged but I can’t control it.
So stay away from me: the beast is ugly.
I feel the rage and I just can’t hold it.

It’s scratchin on the walls
In the closet, in the halls.
It comes awake and I can’t control it.
Hidin under the bed
In my body, in my head.
Why won’t somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I’ve become.
The nightmare’s just begun.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster.
I, I feel like a monster.

My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key.
I keep it caged but I can’t control it.
Cause if I let him out
He’ll tear me up, break me down.
Why won’t somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I’ve become.
The nightmare’s just begun.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

It’s hidin in the dark.
Its teeth are razor sharp.
There’s no escape for me.
It wants my soul, it wants my heart

No one can hear me scream.
Maybe it’s just a dream
Or maybe it’s inside of me.
Stop this monster!

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I’ve become.
The nightmare’s just begun.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I feel it deep within.
It’s just beneath the skin.
I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I gotta lose control.
It’s something ready go.
I must confess that I feel like a monster!

I, I feel like a monster!
I, I feel like a monster!
I, I feel like a monster!
I, I feel like a monster!|Текст

Отредактировано Фердинанд (2011-06-25 20:02:14)





Satyricon - Mother North



Celin Dion - I surrender




Ночные снайперы - Катастрофически


вторая половина отдыха была пронизана этой песней насквозь...



Одному крайне дорогому демону

Muse Hysteria

Свернутый текст

It's bugging me
Grating me
And twisting me around

Yeah I'm endlessly
Caving in
And turning inside out

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm breaking out
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

It's holding me
Morphing me
And forcing me to strive

To be endlessly
Cold within
And dreaming I'm alive

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
I'm not breaking down
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

And I want you now
I want you now
I feel my heart implode
And I'm breaking out
Escaping now
Feeling my faith erode

Отредактировано Герберт Уэйн (2011-07-19 19:36:53)



Любимой паре, неразлучной на века

Свернутый текст

Too late
Yeah baby it's too late
And time has made the spell obey
And now it's time to desecrate

But we had a dream
And it was meant to be
And we were kissing gods
Against all the odds

Now it's a crying shame
And it's a crying shame
You don't know who to blame
We'll never be the same
And it's a crying shame

Too much
And we demolished too much
And yeah we really fucked it up
And yeah baby you've lost your touch

But we had a dream
And it was meant to be
And we were kissing gods
Against all the odds

Now it's a crying shame
And it's a crying shame
You don't know who to blame
We'll never be the same
And it's a crying shame
And it's a crying shame
|muse - crying shame



Shane Alexander - Feels like the end



Vísur Vatnsenda Rósu - Ragnheiður Gröndal



Русский размер - Она лежала на земле.


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